Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The “People Power” Education Superbook: Book 20. Practical College Guide (Living On Your Own, Probably for the First Time)

The “People Power” Education Superbook: Book 20. Practical College Guide (Living On Your Own, Probably for the First Time)

The “People Power” Education Superbook: Book 20. Practical College Guide (Living On Your Own, Probably for the First Time)
By:"Tony Kelbrat"
Published on 2014-04-07 by Lulu Press, Inc

You're probably living a comfortable life at high school where you're well-respected and have friends then you go to college and you're just another generic, average student who is not popular like you were at home. Relax. Everyone else is like you. You have to put yourself out there if you want to make friends, do fun things and enjoy the ride. The average 18 year old is massively brainwashed. He has no idea of who he is in his true nature. He's trying to achieve success by society's formula which is college. Many kids go to college not even knowing that there are no jobs for many of the social science fields. They think that if the college offers it as a major, there must be a job waiting at the end. This is so stupid. Most 18 year-olds are self-centered. They think they're special because they're going to college then they go home and try to act scholarly like those nerdy professors they've been listening to for the past four months.

ISBN : 9781312080904


Author :"Tony Kelbrat"


This Book was ranked 32 by Google Books for keyword rent text books.

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