Sunday, February 5, 2017

The Effect of the Use of Christian-published Science Textbooks on the ACT Science Reasoning Subtest Scores of Midwest Christian High Schools

The Effect of the Use of Christian-published Science Textbooks on the ACT Science Reasoning Subtest Scores of Midwest Christian High Schools

The Effect of the Use of Christian-published Science Textbooks on the ACT Science Reasoning Subtest Scores of Midwest Christian High Schools
Published on 2009 by ProQuest

Statistics indicate that students in conservative Christian schools earn higher standardized test scores in mathematics, reading, science, and writing compared to their public school counterparts, while many are criticized for using curricular materials deemed inferior in quality and for employing uncertified and ill-trained teachers. This study investigates the effectiveness of Christian-published science textbooks in preparing students for college-level science courses as measured by the Science Reasoning subtest of the ACT college entrance examination. A questionnaire was sent to conservative Christian high schools in five Midwest states which are affiliated with the American Association of Christian Schools, Association of Christian Schools International, and Oral Roberts University Educational Fellowship. Information gathered on the schools, teachers, facilities, and ACT Science Reasoning scores and the resulting descriptive statistics provide a sketch of the typical Midwest Christian high school. Hypothesis testing resulted in acceptance of the Null Hypothesis: There is no difference between the mean ACT Science Reasoning scores of Midwest Christian high schools using Christian-published science textbooks as compared to those using secular-published science textbooks. Multiple regression analysis on the two publishers represented by the sample statistics, A Beka and Bob Jones University Press, showed no significant difference in the effectiveness of one publisher over the other. Analysis of the one open-ended question asking why each school chooses to use the type of publisher it does led to the issues of worldview instruction and academic rigor as the deciding factors for the selection of one type of publisher over the other.

ISBN : 9781109078152


Author :


This Book was ranked 25 by Google Books for keyword science text books.

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